Protecting Assets in a Divorce

Divorce is often both a financial and emotional struggle. Alimony and child support frequently take a large, even unreasonable, amounts out of your monthly paycheck. Conversely, if your income is much smaller than your soon-to-be-ex-spouse’s, or if you stayed at home to look after the family, you might find yourself in dire financial straits and…

My son and daughter-in-law are divorcing. As a grandmother do I have visitation rights?

Grandparents may have legal rights in Rhode Island, regarding visitation, however, this is far from certain. In the event the grandparents and parents can come to an agreement regarding visitation, court intervention is generally not required. When no such agreement can be made, there are certain situations grandparents may be granted a court order allowing…

I’ve been estranged from my husband and want to remarry. Will Rhode Island grant me a Bifurcated divorce?

Bifurcation of divorce allows spouses to become legally divorced before the divorce details have been finalized. The option to remarry is the most common use of bifurcation; however, some couples seek a bifurcation to distinguish between marriage or pre-marriage property. Rhode Island does not permit bifurcation. The court will not handle the end of the…

Does Rhode Island divide property equally between the spouses during a divorce?

Rather than divide marital property equally, the State of Rhode Island General Laws require a Judge to divide it equitably. This means fairly and taking into account the good and bad behavior of both parties. Rhode Island generally considers “marital property” as any property—be it income, assets, real estate, or everyday items—that comes into possession…

What are the benefits of choosing mediation over litigation in a divorce?

When most of us think of divorce, we often fear custody battles, endless legal filings, and costly court proceedings. The process of divorce can seem daunting, and the emotional aspects of a marriage’s dissolution can be painful. But what if there was another way? Another, more collaborative and sometimes less expensive way? There is: mediation.…