You and your fiancé may be considering a prenuptial agreement, or “prenup” as it has come to be known. If you are considering entering into such a contract, you need to engage an attorney as doing so may not be beneficial to you. Of course, if your intent is to protect pre-marital assets, the contract may be in your best interest. An attorney can properly advise you of the ramifications of a prenup.
Objections to getting a prenuptial agreement usually come in one of two categories. The first kind asserts that there is no pressing need for the contract: “We don’t have anything financial worth fighting over.” The second appeals to sentiment: “It ruins the romance to talk about money” or, even more wishful, “We’re sure we won’t get divorced.”
While no one goes into a marriage planning to get divorced, even the most optimistic couple should acknowledge that divorce is a possibility. While the statistics vary, a good number of American marriages will end in their dissolution by divorce. The wise bride and groom will have to address this possibility on their way into matrimony, rather than deal with the consequences of exiting matrimony unprepared.
Even if you have “nothing worth fighting over,” divorce can set you back financially. Your spouse may lay claim to half of your joint assets, even if their contribution to them is much less than half. As such, a prenuptial agreement can protect a person of modest means from financial ruin, which may be more crucial than protecting half of a millionaire’s fortune.
Moreover, money discussions are an important part of preparing for your life together. Negotiating a prenuptial agreement can be one way of addressing these important conversations before you walk down the aisle.